
How to Increase followers on Social Media?

Looking to increase your followers on social media organically? If you’re serious about growing your followers on social media, you’ve come to the right place.

Globally, there were more than 3.6 billion social media users in 2020, and by 2025, that number is projected to reach almost 4.41 billion.

There are a lot of potential customers to reach out to.

Having a large enough following to make a partnership profitable can influence not only users’ choices of whether or not to follow you on social media but also social media influencers and other businesses that may be willing to collaborate with you.

Having a sizable following can benefit you and your business even if you don’t use any particular social media platform. In actuality, social media sharing tools can raise website traffic and SEO. It seems like a smart investment. These suggestions aren’t presented in any particular order. Although they are all important, you might find that some are more appropriate depending on your brand and business strategy. Let’s have a look at a few of the steps to be followed for getting followers on social media.

1. Establish A Strong Brand Identity

Regardless of whether your company or personal brand is recognized, it would be beneficial if you maintained a consistent brand identity. It’s not quite over when you add a logo to your profile picture and call it a day.

Every post should be consistent with your business’s brand. Select your main color scheme, graphic themes, tone, and other components. Everything you post and comment on should reflect the voice of your brand because consumers are drawn to brands with distinct identities.

Let’s take Splat Hair Dye as an example. Given that this brand is known for its emphasis on colour, it should come as no surprise that its branding features a lot of vibrant, colourful tones.

The unicorn and rainbow emojis in their bio alone give away the fact that they have a vibrant, whimsical voice.

The images displayed on their Instagram feed nevertheless feel consistent with the overall branding, even though they rely primarily on UGC (user-generated content) (we’ll get to that point in a moment).

They also created a unique hashtag to encourage engagement and put a link to the primary website in the bio (we’ll cover another issue shortly).

1.1 What is your brand’s voice?

Is the tone upbeat, easygoing, and colorful? Or does a somber color scheme make it seem more serious?

You’ll be able to begin creating a brand that people will identify with once you’ve made those fundamental marketing selections.

2. Use automation

You could manage all of your social media accounts in one place. Posts can be conveniently published and scheduled weeks in advance to reach the broadest audience possible. Additionally, you can evaluate the success of your posts. The best social media account management tools will help you make sure you post frequently enough to increase your visibility and number of followers.

3. Prioritizing customer service

More customers who are having issues with a business are turning to social media for support rather than waiting for a reply to an email or call. So, focus on carrying out noble deeds.

These people will become your repeat customers who are willing to buy again and again from you again if they believe you will help them in case of any issues. By making customer service available on social media, you can draw more users to your social media account and make it easier for them to solve their problems.

4. Encourage people to use your social media platforms.

Make it simple to follow or like you on your profiles. Maintain the Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages for your startup. Engage your customers by requesting something from them. You should include social media feeds and icons on your website. You should solicit followers on your social media channels at the end of each blog post.

5. Make a schedule for strategic planning on a calendar

It is important to find a balance between posting regularly enough to stay related enough to avoid clogging newsfeeds and upsetting other people is the key. Consider investing in tools that will enable you to schedule posts in advance in addition to creating a social media calendar. To ensure that you never forget to post at the right time, these tools ought to be combined into a single dashboard.

6. Promote on all of your other marketing and social media channels.

Are you maximizing every opportunity to engage your audiences? Links to your social media accounts should at the very least be present on your website and newsletter.

Consider promoting one platform on another as another option. A tweet encouraging people to use a special hashtag you created for an event on Instagram is an example.

social media

7. Choose Particular Hashtags

Using hashtags to attract new followers can be a great tactic, but focus on specific hashtags rather than popular ones.

For instance, there are more than two billion images on Instagram with the hashtag “love.” Your comment will be removed right away.

To use hashtags to your advantage, make sure they are more targeted. You can use a tool like Hashtagify to get analytical data and suggestions, or you can search for relevant hashtags in posts to find them.

In this instance, using the hashtag #lovegardening makes the term “love” more specific.

Besides, you can make hashtags specific to your brand, just like Splat did with #splatsquad to encourage their followers to submit images. Incorporating user-generated content is fantastic.

8. Keep an eye out for speaking engagements, interviews, and press opportunities.

Your online audience may be significantly impacted by your offline reputation.  Every presentation is an opportunity to talk to someone who might be curious about what you had to say and actively seek out your social media accounts to find out more. 

Moreover, these thought leadership opportunities can also be a great way to boost the number of links pointing to your website.

9. Work with your customer service team to integrate the plan.

Unavoidably, a strong social media presence draws customer complaints.

In 2020, 43 percent of customers with complaints will have gotten in touch with a business via live chat, email, or social media, up from just 12 percent in 2017. Of those unhappy customers, 55% complained on social media but received no response.

Because these negative comments are being made in public, your response will be carefully examined. Potential customers will look at how you handle your current customers.

Always remember that building an organic following takes time. If you find a “hack” that immediately promises amazing results, it’s probably a scam.

False followers won’t benefit your brand in the long run. Social media networks are becoming more proficient at recognizing fake accounts and bots, so your investment was in vain.

Even worse, having phony followers who don’t interact with your content could erode real customers’ faith in your company.

Getting followers will increase ROI and generate real buzz about your business or products, which will encourage people to engage with, share, and talk about your brand.

Having fake followers will not help you accomplish any of those goals. Try to get genuine followers and expand your business by using above mentioned techniques.

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